Fishing Info
Steelhead fishing? Salmon fishing? Trout fishing? River fishing? Lake fishing? Ocean fishing?
We have it all here in our backyard. With world renowned rivers such as the Bulkley, Babine, Kispiox, Morice, Skeena only a cast away, it is no wonder our region is considered by many a fishing paradise.
Lake fishing can be enjoyed year round while most rivers in our vicinity are open from June 16 until December 31 (always check fishing regulations before venturing out: BC Freshwater Fishing Regulations Synopsis ).
When: From mid August until the end of December. Peak period mid September until mid October.
Where: All rivers
Gear: Fly fishing: 7-9 weight single or spey rod. Sink tips or floating lines. Multi tip lines recommended. Spin fishing/casting: Medium weight rod. Koho, Blue Fox Vibrax lures
When: June 16-August 15 water conditions permitting
Where: Morice, Bulkley, Kispiox, Skeena
Gear: Fly fishing: 9-11 weight single or spey rod. Heavy sink tips. Spin fishing/casting: Medium-heavy weight rod. Spin n glow, yarn, Kitimat, Koho, Blue Fox Vibrax lures
When: Mid August-mid September •Where: Morice, Bulkley, Kispiox, Skeena
Gear: Fly fishing: 6-8 weight single hand rod. Sink tips. Pink and green flies. Spin fishing/casting: Medium light-medium rod. Pink lures (Pink Crocs).
When: August 1-August 31
Where: Babine, Skeena
Gear: Fly fishing: 7-9 weight single or spey rod. Appropriate sink tip lines for water conditions.
When: August 15-October 1
Where: Bulkley
Gear: Fly fishing: 7-9 weight single or spey rod. Sink tips. Boss and Comet flies in silver and blue. Spin fishing/casting: Medium weight rod. Kitimat, Koho, Blue Fox Vibrax lures, yarn.
When: First part of May (ice off) until October
Where: Local lakes and Rainbow Ally
Gear: Fly fishing: 4-6 weight rods. Floating and sinking lines. Spin fishing/casting: Ultra light-medium rod. Spoons, spinners, gang troll, bait
When: Weather permitting (all year long)
Where: Prince Rupert, Port Edwards, Kitimat, Stewart, Kincolith, Work Channel
Gear: Bottom fish: 5.5 to 7ft rod with level wind reel with 60-100 braided line. Spring Salmon: 8-10.5ft rod with level wind or mooching reel with 20-30lb mono line. Coho Salmon: 8-10.5ft rod with level wind or mooching reel with 15-25lb mono line.
Above info is general. Please check regulations for any specific openings or restrictions. All rivers and streams in Region 6 are single barbless hook.
A sustainable fishery at the Babine River is dependent upon a safe environment for both people and bears. To achieve this, BC Parks sets out some guidelines for fishing at the Babine River:
Give bears plenty of room. Leave your fishing spot if a bear is in the river and give them plenty of space. If approached by a bear, reel in, and leave the area. Cut your line if playing a fish. You may return to your fishing spot when it is sage to do so.
Food and other attractants are not allowed on shore. All garbage must be stored within your vehicle, not left on site.
Fish must be returned to a secure location within your vehicle immediately after capture.
Dogs must be kept on a leash.
Children must be accompanied by an adult at all times.
During the peak salmon fishing season in August, please refrain from fishing from 1 hour before sunset until 1 hour after sunrise to provide an undisturbed period for the bears to utilize the corridor.
Aggressive bear behavior from failure to comply with these regulations could result in temporary closure of the area to fishing; this would affect many. Don't be the one responsible for a park closure.
Follow all regulations for a park closure.
The following links might be of interest to you whether you call the Bulkley Valley home or are planning a trip to this area: